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Marie Andree-Auclair

About the Writer      


            Marie-Andree Auclair’s poems have appeared in a variety of print and online publications in such as In/Words Magazine, Bywords, The Steel Chisel, filling Station, Contemporary Verse 2, Structo UK,  Apeiron, Canthius, The Tule Review and others. Her first chapbook, Contrails, was released by In/Words Magazine and Press/Ottawa in 2013. She lives in Ottawa Canada and is working on her next chapbook.

Closer Than One Thinks


force-fused by lightning
on long ago beach
to sudden stone
rippled, hollow
breaks sharper than rock
breaks light
into rainbows


lump in kiln
mass and filaments
convex or flattened
full of distortions
crash, melodic dissonance


—in silver frame,
poisonous tin and mercury
lacquering its back
into reflection—
mirrors a face
that resembles mine,
shows what one cannot see
what looms behind
lurks around corners
what one flees
what others see
all too well.


Robert Rothman


-- Ambassador To A Distant Kingdom In The North County


-- The Monk's Halo



Leah MacLean-Evans


-- Blood Days Recipe



Paula Bernett


-- Memory Consumed So It Was Never


-- Quill and Brood



Gordon Massman


-- The Master of Nothing


-- My Appassionato


-- Finnegan's Religion



Naomi Ruth Lewinsky


-- To My Brother's Late Dragon Lady



Marie Andree-Auclaire


-- Closer Than One Thinks



Joelle Barron


-- Total Eclipse


-- House Stuff



Claire Matthews


-- My Underwear Drawer Houses the Book of Mormon



Claire Kelly


-- Poem for a Woman I Made Up



Benjamin Hertwig


-- sunday mornings, after Afghanistan



Eugenie Juliet Theall


-- Other than a Paperweight



Will Harris


-- Imam Ali Shrine


-- Kangaroo Wall




Mallory Tater


-- Heat Dream



Liz Johnston


-- Public Transit



Gardner Landry


-- Mayonaise



Benjamin Dugdale


-- Orlando Two Point O: Hashtag Forever Yung


Artwork and Photography


Gord Marci Jr.


-- Typewriter With Note


Allen Forrest


-- The New World Manbike 12 x 9 2016


-- The New World Workers 2 Ink 15 x 11 2016



Kerry Rawlinson


-- Mistry Trees



David Mutnjakovik


-- Let it Begin



Colette Campbell-Moscrop


-- Untitled-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Laid-Textured Paper


-- Nope-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Found Paper


-- Horrible Together, Full Circle-Ink on Cardboard Paper




Margaret Crawford


-- A Review of Kathleen McCraken's Double Self-Portrait with Mirror: New and Selected Poems (1978-2014)


-- A Review of R. Aviars Utskins' The Hoosier Zebra and other "Poims"


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