Colette Campbell-Moscrop
-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Laid-Textured Paper
-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Found Paper
-- Ambassador To A Distant Kingdom In The North County
-- Memory Consumed So It Was Never
-- To My Brother's Late Dragon Lady
-- House Stuff
-- My Underwear Drawer Houses the Book of Mormon
-- sunday mornings, after Afghanistan
-- Heat Dream
-- Mayonaise
-- Orlando Two Point O: Hashtag Forever Yung
Artwork and Photography
-- The New World Manbike 12 x 9 2016
-- The New World Workers 2 Ink 15 x 11 2016
-- Mistry Trees
-- Let it Begin
-- Untitled-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Laid-Textured Paper
-- Nope-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Found Paper
-- Horrible Together, Full Circle-Ink on Cardboard Paper
Margaret Crawford
-- A Review of Kathleen McCraken's Double Self-Portrait with Mirror: New and Selected Poems (1978-2014)
-- A Review of R. Aviars Utskins' The Hoosier Zebra and other "Poims"
Horrible Together, Full Circle
-Ink on Cardboard Paper
About the Artist
Colette Campbell-Moscrop’s drawing-based art practice develops through observations about everyday life. Her drawings, as she works on them over time, are gradually stripped and transformed through multiple manipulations. Her depicted subjects vary greatly, from architectural spaces to the human form. In general, her process-driven work demonstrates an exploration of different techniques, playfulness and decision making. By following through with pre-established self-imposed rules, her work evokes strange and unfamiliar visuals while pointing to the everyday.
Colette Campbell-Moscrop recently completed her undergraduate degree in Studio Arts at Concordia University in 2016.
Instagram: colettecm_art