Naomi Ruth Lowinsky
So many sagas come
And gone since you and I strode
The ‘70s
High boots high skirts
You with your Nikons
Me with my notebook
Free lancers
To the counter culture
High on sass and chutzpah
We got the low down
On the Cult of ‘Do Jelly’
Me just free
Of marriage You
Never believed in it
Did the wild thing
With whomever
Lived with my brother
In perpetual
High drama
Plates flew
Cats cowered
Yours was the tongue of fire
He paid you back big time
So many sagas come
And gone That woman
He left you for
Threw a few plates of her own He left her
For some Delilah younger
Than my daughters
She took him on a ride
And my brother?
You escaped his saga
Before you had to see him
Alone and rotting
In a flea bag motel
In Venice
Back in the day he knew everyone
Scored a case of Chateau Neuf de Pape
From the year you were born
Wheeler dealer glad hand host
At your thirtieth birthday party
Listen Nikki you’re what eats him
Who knew you’d have no life without him
Dragon would devour you
Forty never find you
In his nursing home
He tells me the same old same old story
I was the one who gave her
Her first Nikon
I was the one who made her
A great photographer
But I’m the one you backlit
In black and white showing the world
How to wrap a sari
Bare breasted
About the Writer
Naomi Ruth Lowinsky’s chapbook, The Little House on Stilts Remembers, won the Blue Light Poetry Prize. Her fourth full length collection, The Faust Woman Poems, traces one woman’s Faustian adventures during the 1960s and ‘70s, through Women’s Liberation and the return of the Goddess. Her memoir, The Sister from Below: When the Muse Gets Her Way tells stories about her pushy muse. A new collection of essays, The Rabbi, the Goddess and Jung: Getting the Word from Within has just been published.
Lowinsky is a Jungian Analyst. She blogs about poetry and life at
-- Ambassador To A Distant Kingdom In The North County
-- Memory Consumed So It Was Never
-- To My Brother's Late Dragon Lady
-- House Stuff
-- My Underwear Drawer Houses the Book of Mormon
-- sunday mornings, after Afghanistan
-- Heat Dream
-- Mayonaise
-- Orlando Two Point O: Hashtag Forever Yung
Artwork and Photography
-- The New World Manbike 12 x 9 2016
-- The New World Workers 2 Ink 15 x 11 2016
-- Mistry Trees
-- Let it Begin
-- Untitled-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Laid-Textured Paper
-- Nope-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Found Paper
-- Horrible Together, Full Circle-Ink on Cardboard Paper
Margaret Crawford
-- A Review of Kathleen McCraken's Double Self-Portrait with Mirror: New and Selected Poems (1978-2014)
-- A Review of R. Aviars Utskins' The Hoosier Zebra and other "Poims"