David Mutnjakovic
Let it Begin
About the Artist
David M. Mutnjakovic was born April 1st, 1981 in Windsor, Ontario. His father is from Croatia, a little town called Stara Gradiska, and his dearest mother is of Irish decent. His life is chronicled through his storytelling and by his intense attention to detail illustrated in his visual work.
He received his BFA in Animation, and is currently involved in an all-out war with the educational system through his studies in Art Education at Concordia University in the city where he is based, Montreal.
-- Ambassador To A Distant Kingdom In The North County
-- Memory Consumed So It Was Never
-- To My Brother's Late Dragon Lady
-- House Stuff
-- My Underwear Drawer Houses the Book of Mormon
-- sunday mornings, after Afghanistan
-- Heat Dream
-- Mayonaise
-- Orlando Two Point O: Hashtag Forever Yung
Artwork and Photography
-- The New World Manbike 12 x 9 2016
-- The New World Workers 2 Ink 15 x 11 2016
-- Mistry Trees
-- Let it Begin
-- Untitled-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Laid-Textured Paper
-- Nope-Gouache, Graphite, Ink and Watercolour on Found Paper
-- Horrible Together, Full Circle-Ink on Cardboard Paper
Margaret Crawford
-- A Review of Kathleen McCraken's Double Self-Portrait with Mirror: New and Selected Poems (1978-2014)
-- A Review of R. Aviars Utskins' The Hoosier Zebra and other "Poims"